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Searching for internship opportunities in investment banking, private equity, and other competitive fields can be overwhelming. Simplify your search and strengthen your chance of success with the Adventis Internship Database.
When you register, you gain access to an up-to-date database of over 200 firms and thousands of opportunities annually.
Plus, we’ll send the latest opportunities to your inbox every week.
The database includes:
✓ Early insights programs
✓ Freshman summer internships
✓ Early insights programs
✓ Junior summer internships
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Early Insights Programs
Early insights programs consist of a wide range of initiatives and focus on a number of different audiences. While some invite students of all grades, most are applicable only to 1st- and 2nd-year students. Some are only available to Diversity and Inclusion candidates, while others are open to all candidates. And some are an hour or two on one day, whereas others are over an extended period of time, such as an hour a week for several weeks.
These programs typically involve a range of professionals who work at the firm. They provide insights into the company, tips on recruiting, and provide you with a new network. For most of them, you must apply and be accepted. And many of them enable you to proceed with their interview process for internships. It’s highly recommended that you apply for and attend as many of these programs as you can.
Sophomore Summer Internships
The sophomore summer internship is your summer internship between the sophomore and junior years. While the junior internship is a highly engineered recruiting process, the sophomore internship recruiting process is a mixed bag. There are several dozen of the 100+ firms that have sophomore summer programs where the objective is to recruit you for the junior summer internship – and ultimately a full-time position with the firm.
There are also an increasing number of private equity firms that offer sophomore summer internships, with the goal of recruiting you for a position that begins several years after landing your first full-time job. Outside of this select group of highly organized processes, recruiting for sophomore summer internships is all over the place. Students typically get internships in accounting, start-ups, boutique consulting and investment banking firms, wealth management, and a number of other types of companies.
Junior Summer Internships
The junior summer internship is the most common path toward a full-time position in investment banking, private equity, and other competitive front-office finance roles. In fact, most recruiting initiatives from the 100+ firms we monitor revolve around the junior summer internship, including early insights programs and sophomore summer internship recruiting. So it’s important for students to seize those opportunities early in order to be en route to the capstone of their undergraduate career.
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Freshman Summer & Fall Semester Sophomore Year
The recruiting cycle for junior summer finance internships typically starts with applications for early insights programs that typically begin to come out during the summer before your sophomore year and continue into the fall semester of your sophomore year. Many of these are for Diversity & Inclusion candidates, but some are open to all candidates. There are a handful of junior summer internship applications that come out during the fall semester of sophomore year.
Spring Semester Sophomore Year
Once January or February of your sophomore year comes around, expect a lot of investment banking and private equity applications to be released, with interviews beginning soon after that. There is a flurry of activity from January to April. This timeframe is when many middle-market, independent boutique, and bulge-bracket investment banking summer analyst offers are made and accepted.
Sophomore Summer & Fall Semester Junior Year
If you still don’t have your junior summer internship lined up by the time your junior year rolls around, don’t give up hope. During the summer before your junior year and into the fall, many firms are likely to post quite a few applications. Emerging positions will include investment banking and private equity, as well as other attractive front-office fields, such as equity research, investment management, valuation services, and more.
Spring Semester Junior Year
Junior summer analyst positions continue to come out during the spring semester of your junior year as well. One thing that surprises us as we monitor applications is how many positions would expire and then pop back up weeks or even months later. These situations typically arise when positions are not filled. Firms often close applications, thinking they are done recruiting, only to re-post these same positions after realizing they still have a spot or two to fill.
Senior Year & Post Graduation
Many undergraduate students begin their senior year with a full-time position secured for after they graduate. However, many students are also looking for full-time employment throughout their senior year. Beginning in August or September, firms tend to start looking for seniors to fill open full-time positions. Additionally, post-graduation firms are always posting entry-level full-time positions for students looking to make a lateral move.

In One Place
We follow over 200 firms every week to find opportunities for undergraduate students. Generally, these firms can be bucketed into five groups: investment banks, middle market investment banks, independent boutique investment banks, private equity firms, and others.
We follow over 100 firms every week to find opportunities for undergraduate students. Generally, these firms can be bucketed into five groups: investment banks, middle market investment banks, independent boutique investment banks, private equity firms, and others.
✓ Investment Banking
✓ Asset Management
✓ Real Estate
✓ Commercial Banking
✓ Capital Markets
✓ Valuation Advisory
✓ Private Credit
Not Included
✘ Sales & Trading
✘ Consulting
✘ Engineering
✘ Corporate Finance
✘ Treasury
✘ Accounting
✘ Quantitative Analysis
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✓ 200+ Firms Montitored ✓ 1,000+ Opportunities Annually ✓ Daily Updates ✓ Completely Free
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University Faculty & Staff
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We follow over 100 firms every week to find opportunities for undergraduate students. Generally, these firms can be bucketed into five groups. See below for a brief description and sampling of companies within these five groups.
Bulge Bracket Investment Banks
Bulge bracket investment banks are full-service, global organizations that serve Fortune 1000 companies. These banks tend to have substantial balance sheets and a wide range of groups and offices.
Middle Market Investment Banks
Middle market investment banks serve clients that tend to range between $300 million to $2 billion in market cap. Deal sizes are usually smaller than the bulge bracket space, leading to more transactions.
Independent Boutique Investment Banks
Independent boutique investment banks tend to also serve the Fortune 1000, however are typically M&A-focused and leaner than bulge bracket banks.
Private Equity Firms
Private equity firms deploy investor capital by purchasing equity in companies. You can find a wide range of firms in terms of size, focus, and industry expertise.
Other Firms
Other firms include commercial banks, regional/niche investment banks, accounting firms, private lenders, and other companies with front office finance roles.
Frequently Asked
The Adventis Internship Database helps undergraduate students find internships, which is key to launching a successful career in finance. Our database keeps up with over 200 of the top firms, keeping the latest internship opportunities in one convenient place.
Furthermore, when you register, you get the latest opportunities delivered directly to your inbox every week. Never miss a chance to apply for the perfect internship.
The Adventis Internship Database is another tool in your toolbox. When it comes to landing a finance internship, it’s great to have a box full of helpful tools.
Many universities have job boards specific to students who attend that university. We recommend you fully utilize those job boards, as there will likely be positions on there that aren’t publicly available. And we also recommend that you use LinkedIn and other relevant applications where you can find positions.
We follow 200+ companies, many of which you won’t find on Handshake or LinkedIn. Most companies post on their company pages, and we monitor those pages. Then we’ll send a weekly update to you about them.
Think of our newsletter as an insurance policy. You could rely solely on Handshake or LinkedIn, hoping for the best. Or you could know for sure that you’re seeing all the best opportunities with the Adventis Internship Database.