Frequently Asked Questions

  • The FMC® Program consists of approximately 8 hours of asynchronous videos and course materials in the Adventis portal. These are available for two years after enrollment. The videos are designed for candidates to learn financial modeling from scratch and enable enrollees to complete the FMC® Program at their own pace. Enrollees also get free access to our online exams and can take as many exams as they’d like in order to earn our certifications.

  • By earning our certifications, enrollees develop the skills required to efficiently build properly formatted three-statement financial models from scratch and be proficient in valuation and leveraged buyout concepts. Because getting certified requires candidates to practice building out our financial models from scratch many times, those seeking certification are forced to learn by doing, which greatly enhances retention as well as a technical understanding of financial and accounting principals.

    Many enrollees take our program to prepare for internship and full-time interviews for investment banking, private equity, and other competitive fields in finance. Our certification process is highly aligned with their technical interview prep, as it helps them to internalize, rather than memorize, key concepts that are asked in interviews. The certification also provides them with strong talking points, as the certification process enables them to tell stories that demonstrate their financial acumen, work ethic, attention to detail, and resilience.

    Additionally, our certifications give enrollees a strong skill set that greatly enhances their on-the-job performance in class projects, case study competitions, internships, and full-time positions.

  • The FMC® Program is meant for individuals from a wide range of backgrounds. Participants with a liberal arts background that have little to no accounting or finance experience can get a lot out of the FMC® Program. We take participants through each step of building out financial models so they will learn finance and accounting concepts as they progress through the program and without having to do any extra research on their own. Alternatively, if participants have a strong finance and accounting background, they can also get a lot out of the FMC® Program, as we teach them how to build best-of-class financial models quickly and efficiently.

  • The FMC® Program is most valuable for roles in investment banking, private equity, equity research, and related industries. However, it is also valuable for corporate finance, corporate development, transaction services, valuation services, and a slew of other industries. And it’s also valuable for general roles in business that typically requires work to be done in Microsoft Excel, but doesn’t require financial modeling work, such as accounting, consulting, and treasury.

  • Many undergraduate students choose to take the FMC Program while they are 1st- and 2nd-year students in order to properly prepare for the rigorous recruiting cycles for investment banking, private equity, and other competitive fields in finance.

    However, we also have many 3rd- and 4th-year students enroll in the program to prepare for internship and full-time recruiting and brush up on their financial modeling skills.

    Know that there is no single right time to enroll. Candidates come to us during various stages in their undergraduate careers with the shared goal of preparing for recruiting, building financial modeling skills, and gaining a technical understanding of financial concepts.

  • Many professionals take the FMC Program early in their careers in order to facilitate their transition into roles in investment banking, private equity, and other competitive fields in finance. Some earn our certifications in advance of lateral recruiting in order to stand out from the crowd, whereas others take Adventis as on-the-job training.

    However, many other professionals also take Adventis because they simply want to add strong financial modeling skills to their toolset and build their abilities in their current roles in corporate finance, asset management, and a number of other fields.

  • It typically takes 20-30 hours to view all the videos, practice our financial modeling exercises, and take our exams. The time it takes to earn our certifications through the FMC Program depends on an enrollee’s background and skill set going into it.

  • Outside of the original purchase to enroll in the FMC Program, there are no additional fees or costs.

  • We do not allow refunds, as all boot camp instructional videos and materials are provided upon enrollment.

  • Enrollees have access to our videos for 2 years after the original purchase.

  • Upon enrollment in the FMC Program users will be given access to our exam schedule. We typically host several exams per week. Candidates can register for only one exam per week. They will be able to take an unlimited amount of exams for no additional cost.

  • Yes, we offer discounted pricing for bundled purchases of our FMC Program. Please reach out to us at for more information.

  • Please reach out to us at to contact customer support.

  • Yes, users can ask questions as they’re taking the FMC Program by emailing or by clicking our Support button in the Adventis portal.

  • Click here to see our success stories.



  • The internship recruiting cycle for undergrads lasts around two years: from the end of freshman year through the end of junior year. You may be actively looking for positions for a large majority of these two years, and monitoring firms you are interested in for new positions can be very time consuming. There are platforms like Handshake and LinkedIn that can help, but there are millions of companies and jobs on these sites, which can make it challenging to find new positions efficiently.

    Adventis has carefully curated a database of 100+ companies that offer competitive finance internships, and we monitor those companies on a weekly basis indefinitely. We then send you weekly alerts for positions specific to your class over a two-year timeline. This saves you countless hours and enables you to spend them building your skills, networking, and conducting other activities to prepare for your recruiting process.

  • Many universities have job boards specific to students who attend that university. We recommend you fully utilize those job boards, as there will likely be positions on there that aren’t publicly available. And we also recommend that you use LinkedIn and other relevant applications where you can find positions. However, we follow 100+ companies, and it’s likely that many of them will not post on Handshake at your university or on LinkedIn. Most companies post on their company pages, and we monitor those pages weekly and then send a weekly update to you about them. In this case, you can think about our newsletter as an insurance policy. You could rely solely on Handshake or other applications, but wouldn’t you want to know for sure by receiving weekly alerts from us?

  • The Adventis Opportunities Database is the foundation of the Adventis Newsletter. Every week we monitor 100+ company websites for any new positions for 2nd- and 3rd-year students. This process requires us to eliminate expired opportunities and add any re-posted or new opportunities to our internship databases. Once our weekly update process is complete, we then send out our weekly update emails to notify students of changes to our database.



  • We strive to build long-term partnerships with universities once we bring programs on campus. This typically starts with providing 2-4 in-person boot camps on an annual basis. Boot camps are led by Student Trainers. These are students who’ve successfully completed our program and have subsequently passed additional training modules that have prepared them to present the program’s most difficult concepts and field questions in real time. We also recruit students to be Campus Leaders. In these positions, students learn valuable skills by coordinating partnerships, marketing the program, and setting up events.

  • We offer a 10% discount to our student pricing for all universities where we conduct in-person boot camps and have a commitment from the university or student organizations to market the program. We also offer larger discounts for institutions who are eager to complement their curricula with our program and are committed to getting their students certified. Some universities ask us to lower fees charged directly to students in exchange for either a per student or fixed annual subsidy. Another approach is the university will completely subsidize all fees and the students don’t pay anything. Generally, the larger the financial commitment from a university the lower the overall fee per student.



  • The FMC Program teaches everything from keystroke efficiency and formula expertise in Excel to how to build a three-statement financial model from scratch, and so obtaining Levels I and II certifications through the FMC Program not only will set analysts up for success, but also will substantially decrease the time it takes to cement core concepts that are otherwise learned while making mistakes on the job.



  • Adventis has a strong presence at dozens of universities across the U.S. and Canada. We have a network of certified students at those universities who have leveraged Adventis to win internships and full-time positions at some of the most sought after financial institutions. These students got a lot out of Adventis and are now 3rd- and 4th-year students looking to give back by mentoring others, knowing the advantages of becoming certified.

  • While users who gain access through the mentorship program gain access to our same catalog of learning materials as regular online enrollments, there are two main differences. First, the mentor program has a structured program led by an Adventis Representative. Adventis Representatives are students who understand everything Adventis has to offer because they’ve used all the resources of Adventis to earn their internships and full-time positions at top financial institutions. The other main difference is that our corporate clients get access to a dashboard that displays each employee’s progress through the program using real-time data. This includes the percentage of videos watched, attempted exams, and certifications earned.



  • Our boot camps are the in-person version of our online FMC Program videos. They both use the same presentations, instructional materials, exercises, and financial models. And they are both taught using the same general style. With our boot camps, candidates get the added bonus of being instructed by a trainer and being in a group with other students to learn from.

  • When we have an in-person presence at a university, we tend to conduct 2-4 boot camps on an annual basis. For example, we might host boot camps in September, November, February, and March of each year.

    Ideally we can host our boot camps in a PC computer lab with 20-25 computers. However, if that’s not possible, we can host boot camps in rooms with classroom style seating where students bring in their PC and/or Mac laptops. Once we have a location and date for a boot camp locked down, we can produce a landing page and marketing materials and get going with spreading the word about the boot camp.